Just back from the hospital with my wife.
She needed (another) operation to remove her wisdom tooth. The tooth was coming in sideways pressing on her jaw.
Hygiene left a lot to be desired at the dentist!
And getting the tooth out with a hammer and "screwdriver" type instrument was a bit barbaric.
This is the second time she needed to get a tooth out like that.
This time I went for moral support....but I got left outside...which was probably just as well because the sound of the hammer was enough to scare me from the dentists for a LONG time!
I try to avoid dentists as much as possible.
The first time I went to the dentist in Albania was in 1996. The fact that the dentist was smoking a cigarette whilst treating me, and his cat was sitting by his instrument tray was a little unusual...but I seemed to have survived!!
Anyway here are some wise words from Robert Burns, the Scottish poet in his "Address to the Toothache."
My curse upon your venom'd stang,
That shoots my tortur'd gums alang,
An' thro' my lug gies mony a twang,
Wi' gnawing vengeance,
Tearing my nerves wi' bitter pang,
Like racking engines!
Ode për dhembjen e dhëmbëve
Pushtove nofullën e tërë,
Sulmove qiellzen me gjilpërë,
Shigjetat nise sërë-sërë,
Më çmende pak nga pak
Dhe me lajthite e më ke bërë
Të sillem si në çark.
Kur barku si me brisk na pret
Dhe kur përdhesi kockat nget
Na mblidhen miqtë rreth e rreth,
Me mall na qajnë hallin,
Ndërsa kur dhëmbi na rrënqeth,
Na qeshin dhe na tallin.
Më mbushet goja me pështymë,
Karriget flak e s'marr dot frymë,
Por fqinjët duke qeshur hyjnë,
Sikur t'i merrte malli
Dhe zbardhin dhëmbët, gazin shfryjnë,
I gudullistë djalli!
Kam parë halle pa mbarim,
Hambarë bosh, tufan, thëllim
Dhe skamje, borxhe dhe mjerim
Nga horra dhe memurë,
Por nuk ka parë trupi im
Si kjo torturë!
Dhe jam i bindur se në ferr
Do shkoj një ditë pa fener
Se Zoti veç atje më merr
Ashtu siç ka vendosur
Por ti do jesh më i madh tmerr
O dhëmb i farmakosur!
Ti, frymë e luftës me rrebesh
Ti, djall me gjemba dhe me lesh,
Që sillesh rrotull midis nesh
Dhe vjen na kap për këmbësh,
Armiqtë e popullit skocez
T'i grish me dhembje dhëmbësh!
e mërkurë, prill 02, 2008
Postuar nga Kolin në 9:52 e paradites
Emërtimet: Daily Life, Poetry
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3 komente:
Your depiction of life in Shkoder is so realistic and original. It's always a pleasure to read your blog. keep it up!
"the dentist was smoking a cigarette whilst treating me"
mos ja fut kot.... :D
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