Well, I really cannot believe it!
It has just been decided by the council committee(keshillit bashkiak) that the statue of the 5 heroes (5 Heronjtë të Vigut)is to be removed and replaced to the graveside of those that fought for freedom from Italy. ("varrezet te deshmoreve")
The statue which has been in the centre of town for over 25 years and is one of the landmarks and best known sites in Shkoder will be replaced by....a fountain!
I mean, sorry, but surely this is ridiculous!
Had I posted this on April Fools Day, none of you would have believed it!
Surely this is an important part of Albanian History, rightfully respected and one of the most best known, most loved and most photographed sites in the town of Shkoder.
I should know!
I live a stones throw from the statue, and pass it numerous times every day, and there are LOTS of tourists EVERY DAY all around it taking photos from all different angles.
How, anyone in their right mind can think that a fountain should be there instead of the 5 Heroes...I do not know!
The decision was based on a vote of 27 for the replacement against 9 against.
And so the 5 heroes are to be replaced on a decision by the 27 numpties!
e premte, shtator 26, 2008
"5 Heronjtë të Vigut" to be removed!
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9:13 e paradites
Emërtimet: Daily Life
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Wow! That's truly amazing. I am just as shocked as you are! The trouble is that most Albanians have not come to terms with the communist era yet. They either hate it or love it. I personally think that it would be a tremendous addition to Albania's tourism. It is a period of history that people do not know much about. I think tourist development should happen primarily in providing museums and sites where communist era can be experienced; not so much to glorify it, but to provide the knowledge tourists need to satisfy their curiosity about 50 years of Albanian obscurantism.
you can be the new minister for tourism ! :-)
I totally agree with you.
A museum, not for communism, but just to show how much the people suffered during that era would attract MANY visitors. There are still many people curious about this little country and what the people have been through! They love history!
Fountains will not attract anyone here!
In my opinion the statue is being removed as the war that the "5 heroes" fought brought in communism.
How narrow minded can you be?!
A few years ago, they knocked down Luigj Gurakuqi's house in the centre of Shkoder and a new "modern" house was built on the land. This was the house used in the film "Çifti i lumtur".
I ask you - who gave permission for that!?
How much more history do they want to remove?
Why don't they just change the name of Albania and totally wipe out their past?
do you know what when you wrote it i didnt believe it untill yesterday when i heard in top news,i am shocked, we already have a fountain when we want to meet we say< shihemi te shatervani> but now everyboby will be confused:which one?
This is not random, or unintentional. This is the constant attempt of Mr. Bardhyl Lohja, the head of the Municipal Concil to destroy whatever good was left of Shkoder. For his muslim radical beliefs, anything catholic does not belong in Shkoder. I really pitty Shkodra people who have elected one of the worst figures in the post communist years. The most corrupt individual with close ties to the Albanian organized crime. I really pitty them......
I think that 5 heroes are a drection point for everyone as we don't have addresses anywhere. Whatever they where communists who cares just leave them there they are dead they won't harm us. They died fighting for whatever they believed in and probably if they didn't they would have agreed either on what Hoxha did to us so i think is not a great idea whoever had it.
do any of you have links to articles about this? is it still going ahead to demolish??
this is the first i'd heard of it!!
are other statues of the communist era being demolished or removed/moved in other cities?
Albania has so much history and there is room for all of it - especially for tourism!
I am not sure. My son told me that his teacher said it would be taken down on the 24th December.
I don't know if that is true or not.
I hope they leave it where it is - when i visited shkoder it was a great focal point and - although due to traffic slighly dangerous - a great icon to photograph!
I had also heard that other towns were trying to remove communist evidence - such as the whitewashed mosaics on the hill outside elbasan on the tirana road, and that in tirana there was talk of demolishing the mosaic outside the national museum in sk sq. This is really iconic and appeared in my national geographic diary over a full A5 page and colour - so is an internationally respected structure!
just wondered about it all really as i'm interested in the Albanian communist period and don't want it to all be erased or moved out of context before i get to see it! a selfish outsider point of view maybe but once things have gone, they have gone!
keep us posted - you seem to be in the know!
ta M
Bardhyl Lohja , je njesh , i erdhe hakut plehrave te Shkodes . Tani te ish sheshi 5 Heronjt te ka ngel edhe nje pleh .Plz na e hiq edhe ate se na qelbi lagjen , hahahaha .
Bardhyl Lohja eshte krye hajduti jo vetem i Keshillit Bashkiak por edhe krye plehu i Dhomes se Avokatise. E ca te presi Shkodra nga nje diabetik, me komplekse anti njerezore. Kur ky matuf goje shtrember nuk ka as me te voglin respekt per te vdekurit, ca te presin te gjallet prej tij. Bardhyl Lohja eshte nje nga nevojtoret me te pista qe ka nxjerre ndonje here Shkodra, kur krimi dhe poshtersia vete e lirohet per se mbari. Hapi syte o Shkoder, e mos e ha prap.....
mos tju vije inat qe ka ik koha e komunizmit. dhe lejeni kete vend me ba drite. bardhyl lohja eshte nderi i shkodres, e njeh gjithe opinioni shkodran
Bardhyl Lohja eshte turpi i Shkodres, dhe i gjithe opinioni i shendosh shkodran e di mire se cka eshte ky mjeran i rritur pyjeve te Mirdites. Ky mashtrue s dhe hajdut nuk eshte askush tjeter vecse nje ish gjykates i pushuar nga puna ne vitin 1995. Se si e pranoi grupi i PD-se ne Shkoder, kete mund tia kerkoni felliqesirave politike ne Tirane. Apo mbase kishin nevoje per nje bajge me teper? Sikur nuk qelbet mjaftueshem.....
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