e premte, gusht 08, 2008

Piaca - work started

So the work on pedestrianizing the "Piaca" has begun, and they expect to be finished within 2 months.
The plans look really good,

and if they do turn the renovated bank into a large museum for "Foto Marubi" then this little street will become very popular and I am sure rent will go up for the shops there.

It does leave me with a couple of questions...
1) Why did they just repair all the pavements on this street only to come along now about a year later and rip them all up again.
Surely that is a waste of money!?
(Especially as they took money from the shops and businesses along that street to help pay for the new pavement!)

2)Why was this not planned earlier? - maybe during winter, so that it would have been ready for this summer and the many tourists that come down from the Former Yugoslavia every day in their bus loads!

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